Soundproof enclosures and cabins for truly "audible" results in the workshops.


Whether new or old, the accumulation of noisy machines in an industrial workshop causes stress and fatigue among employees, resulting in sleep disorders for 70% of workers and a loss of productivity of more than 20 billion euros for a country like France.

Noise: a cumulative effect

A machine that emits between 70 and 80 decibels in isolation is considered "compliant". However, this corresponds to a high human voice. At 85 decibels it is a "shouted" voice. With 10 machines each emitting 85 decibels in a 500 m² workshop, that's 10 people shouting at the same time, all the time. Earplugs are useful, but ineffective in the long term: discomfort when worn for several hours at a time, tedious maintenance, constant reminders from management to wear them.

A good assessment for a tailor-made solution

APC can help you assess noise levels by working with an acoustician ergonomist. This enables sources of noise to be mapped, operating constraints to be visualised and internal obstacles to be identified before solutions are devised.

Design of custom-made partitions, chambers and cabins

Based on the studies, APC designs a solution tailored to your working environment and operating processes, to achieve an acceptable noise level throughout the workshop. To do so, we combine the materials best suited to each case (cellular PE foam on antivibration panels, rockwool, sandwich panels, natural fibre panels, antivibration equipment, etc.).


  • Upstream ergo-acoustic study
  • Consideration of operating procedures
  • Combining materials
  • Measurable results




When this swimming pool manufacturer installed a digitally-controlled routing centre in the middle of its 1,000 m² workshop, it had no idea that it would affect the working comfort of its employees to such an extent. In fact, he had underestimated the noise level generated by the vibration of the composite panels under the effect of the milling (more than 120dB), added to the noise of the machine itself. APC designed an acoustic insulation cabin, incorporating an original baffle solution for the suction pump ventilation. This device enabled the noise level in the workshop to be reduced to an acceptable level (<80db), much to the satisfaction of the teams!


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